Welcome to 2020! If you have a New Year’s Resolution to save your company time and money, it may be time to assess the state of your office
equipment. There’s more to needing an upgrade than just the equipment functioning. Copiers, Fax Machines, Scanners and shredders all require maintenance. Just because they aren’t broken, doesn’t mean your devices don’t need fixing or replacing. Technology updates and advances can put aged devices at risk for many issues. Is it time to upgrade your aging office equipment?
5 reasons to upgrade your technology:
1. Security
According to the
FTC, “Companies must maintain reasonable procedures to protect sensitive information.” With Cyberattacks on the rise, if you aren’t taking steps to safeguard your data that’s stored on your digital office equipment, it may be a good time to do so. New digital office equipment include extra levels of encryption and data overwrite features to ensure your confidential information is safeguarded.
2. Reduce or Control Cost
When you upgrade your aging device, there are typically advantageous cost savings when it comes to the maintenance agreement. Because newer machines run more efficiently and typically require fewer parts to fix, they cost less to maintain.
3. Fewer Maintenance Challenges
Think of a copier like a vehicle. When they are new, they run like a champ. But as your vehicle ages, even with preventative maintenance, there is a lifecycle on certain parts. The older the vehicle, the closer you are to hitting the threshold to replace those parts to keep your car running in tip top shape. This is similar with office equipment. Though you have a maintenance agreement, if your equipment is past the 5 year mark, you may start to see your technician more often than you used to as the parts are hitting their expiration. While this may not be a financial problem, it could slow down productivity and increase downtime.
4. More Features and Benefits
These days, copiers can do almost anything short of making your coffee and vacumming. Welcome to the Smart Technology era. They can now be equipped with WIFI, intelligent displays that look and feel like a tablet, and have many enhanced workflow capabilities that will increase efficiency in your day. You can scan and store in the cloud, print from your smart device, and even customize each user experience.
5. Higher Quality
Business color machines today have such a high quality that you could virtually bring all of your outsourced documents in house. These technology upgrades can not only help you save money, but can also help to manage your overall portfolio of collateral.
Printers and copiers will still play an important role in your organization in 2020 and beyond. Therefore, its important to focus on the health of your current device, the features and benefits it offers, and the priority of productivity and streamlining workflow in your office. It may not always be the best choice at the time, but it’s worth a free evaluation. Head into 2020 faster, secure, and more productive with an upgrade of your aged office equipment.
Do you think it’s time to upgrade your current office equipment? We are happy to
schedule a free technology assessment. No strings attached, just some help from our tech experts!