Medical Waste Services
Medical waste management and disposal solutions.
Comprehensive Medical Waste Services for Physician Offices, Dental Practices, Surgical Centers, and Hospitals.
Applied Medical Waste Solutions provide regular, scheduled service to collect, treat, and dispose of all primary medical waste, including sharps, pharmaceutical, dental, and biohazard materials. All waste is sterilized, compacted, and disposed of properly into a sanitary landfill. All Applied Medical Waste services are compliant with state and federal regulations.

Sharps Disposal
Includes any tool or object that can puncture skin – such as needles, scalpels, blades, and pipettes.
Pharmaceutical Waste Disposal
Includes all unused, expired, and/or contaminated vaccines and drugs that can no longer be used or are needed.
Dental Waste Disposal
Includes any waste that is generated from dental procedures such as a filling or root canal.
Biohazard Waste Disposal
Includes items that may be contaminated with blood, body fluids, or other potentially infectious materials.
Medical Waste Solutions
Regulated Waste Mail-Back Service
Applied Medical Waste mail-back service is a convenient, secure, and cost-effective way to dispose of medical waste for organizations that don’t generate a frequent volume of medical waste or operate outside one of our primary services areas.
This service includes everything your business needs to stay compliant while meeting USPS guidelines. You collect and package your office’s medical waste into an Applied-provided, USPS-safe carton. This carton is sent directly to the sanitary landfill. Because you only pay for what you produce, the cost is easy to calculate and predict.
Your package includes:
- Medical Waste Container
- Protective Plastic Liner + Tie
- Shipping Containers
- Prepaid + Pre-Addressed Shipping Label
- Prepaid Disposal + Tracking Documents
- Step-by-Step Instructions
Compliance Training
Compliance Training is critical to ensure employee and patient safety as well as avoid malpractice claims and litigation. Applied Medical Waste offers convenient, online compliance training that meets state and federal regulations.
Compliance Training Courses
- Bloodborne Pathogens
- Medical Waste Disposal
Our Medical Waste Disposal Process
Applied delivers medical waste containers to your building. You package and contain the waste until your pick-up day.
Schedule + Collect
Our schedule is your schedule. An Applied medical waste expert picks up your waste and begins the disposal process.
Treat + Dispose
Your medical waste is safely transported to a processing facility, sterilized, compacted, and disposed into a sanitary landfill.
Applied’s Waste Manifest document tracks your waste from generation to final disposal. A copy is provided for your records.
Choose Medical Waste Services from Applied Innovation
Our reliable and professional experts are ready to support you. Our team is trained in OSHA guidelines, Sharps safety, DOT packing/shipping regulations, sanitation, and bloodborne pathogens.

Container Options
Wide variety of container types and sizes, for any type of medical waste.
Custom Schedule
Our schedule is your schedule. You set the pickup day/time to fit the needs of your business.
Compliant Solutions
All medical waste services are OSHA and DOT compliant. Applied is EGLE registered in Michigan.
Environmentally Friendly
Autoclave process is used to sterilize and compact to reduce volume before being taken to a landfill.
Passionate People
We are reliable and professional experts ready to support you.
Cost Effective
You only pay for the medical waste that you produce, so pricing is easy to calculate and predict.
Frequently Asked Questions
Regulated medical waste is any type of healthcare-related waste connected to the treatment, diagnosis, or immunization of humans or animals. This waste may be contaminated by blood, body fluids, or other potentially infectious materials. Medical waste is primarily regulated by state environmental and health departments, but there are also regulations set by federal agencies, such as Centers for Disease Control (CDC) or Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
Hospitals, Emergency Care Clinics, Dental Practices, Physician Practices, Long-Term Care Clinics, Funeral Homes, Nursing Homes, Pharmacies, Laboratories, Educational Institutions, Home Health, Veterinarian Clinics.
We are focusing on West Michigan – Grand Rapids + Lakeshore areas.
Coming soon to other areas – Traverse City, Kalamazoo, Southfield, Lansing.
There are a variety of medical waste streams which require different types of containers. We provide both re-usable and corrugated containers.
Infectious Waste: red bags and red containers marked with biohazard symbol.
Sharps Waste: red containers marked with biohazard symbol.
Non-RCRA Pharmaceutical Waste: blue containers or mail-back programs. *Unopened, unused expired medications, please contact Applied Innovation Health.
RCRA Pharmaceutical Waste: black containers (or return to pharmacy).
Chemo Waste: yellow container.
Regular Waste: container with regular clear or black bag.
Infectious: blood collection tubing, bags, hemo-pleuravacs, saturated/bloody dressings, contaminated items from isolation rooms/patients, canisters/liners from suction with blood or other infectious agents, non-sharps testing kits.
Sharps: needles, vials, scalpels, blades, broken glass, razors, clips, pins, guidewires, empty syringes, carpujects, tubexes, specimen devices for endoscopy, trocars.
Non-RCRA Pharmaceutical: capsules, powders, tablets, non-broken vials, eye drops, IV tubing with leftover medication, used OTC medications or prescription RXs.
RCRA Pharmaceutical: inhalers, epinephrine, physostigmine, Silvadene, nicotine gum and patches.
Chemo: IV bags, gloves, other PPE used during administering chemotherapy waste.
Regular: gloves (non-saturated with blood), sanitary napkins, paper towels, disposable patient materials, empty foley bags, non-contaminated drainage bags, underpadding/dressings non-saturated with blood or scabbing, trash, wrappers, empty medication containers.
A digital Waste Manifest document is provided for your records. From beginning to end, you are responsible for the medical waste you create. With a partner like Applied, we will manage the process for you. The Waste Manifest document includes: generators, transporters, and receiving facilities, all who share responsibility in handling the medical waste. Every step of the process is documented with a date/time and signatures are collected from all parties involved. The manifest is critical to ensure accountability and compliance.
Every organization has different needs depending on the size of your business and the volume of medical waste you produce. We are known for our flexibility. Whether you need pick-ups that happen bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, you can count on us. Our number one goal is to create a schedule that is custom to the changing needs of your business.