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Hardware + Infrastructure

Strategic infrastructure and smart hardware to keep your business operating smoothly.

Hardware and infrastructure services for any size business.

On a daily basis, your business performs only as well as your IT infrastructure. As the framework on which your business interactions are built, an effective IT architecture, combined with proven, state-of-the-art hardware, enables you to run at peak efficiency. Applied Hardware and Infrastructure solutions can help you optimize, strengthen, or upgrade your existing investment.

Optimized Infrastructure

By modernizing infrastructure to meet the current needs of your business, you can keep productivity flowing, limit setbacks, save money, and make better IT decisions.

We partner with you to design, implement, and support your business in the cloud, on premises, or in a hybrid environment.

Advanced Devices

When your business utilizes advanced hardware and devices, your devices run faster and smoother, increasing overall performance. It’s important to use technology that supports your business today and as it evolves without sacrificing security, productivity, or uptime.

Hardware + Infrastructure Solutions

Managed Network Services

Applied Managed Network Services allow you to meet stringent service-level agreements (SLAs) that keep your network up and running while freeing IT teams to work on more strategic priorities for your business.

Applied Managed Network Services includes provisioning and managing your servers, routers, and switches; installing and managing firewalls, operating systems and applications; and running security protections for your network. Our Managed Network Services continuously monitor all network elements to ensure productivity and performance.

  • Patch and AV Updates
  • SPAM Control
  • Email Continuity
  • Critical Monitoring 24/7/365

Network Design + Implementation

The health and agility of your network infrastructure determines how smoothly and productively your business operates. Whether upgrading elements of your existing infrastructure or building something entirely new, Applied Innovation experts support your entire network, including the type, quantity, and location of devices, cabling, security, and more. Our process includes extensive evaluation, scoping, and testing to fulfill data, compliance, and business requirements, while helping to minimize expenses.

Data Center + Equipment

Whether real or in the cloud, Applied Innovation experts can help source, install, and manage your data center hardware and equipment. Our comprehensive services manage network bandwidth, firewall and other security, keep applications up and running, and ensure data backups occur on a scheduled basis.

End-User Hardware + Software

Applied Innovation offers an array of device and software options to keep your business moving forward. If you’re looking for employee devices like laptops, tablets, and desktops; if you need productivity software like Microsoft Office 365; or want to elevate your business by installing temperature kiosks or interactive whiteboards, we have those products and more.

Cloud Services

Infrastructure, platforms, and software can be hosted in the Applied Innovation cloud to help facilitate the flow of data from users’ hardware through the internet. Cloud Services eliminate the expense of on-premise hardware and software while maximizing speed and power.

  • Private
  • Public
  • Hybrid
  • Multi

Secure Device Disposal + Recycling

Our Electronic Waste Recycling offering gives you a convenient way to recycle unwanted technology devices such as keyboards, laptops, mice, monitors, tablets, cell phones, and more. Applied Innovation can support a range of needs, whether it’s getting rid of a stockpile of old devices, erasing data and destroying technology, or recouping costs by wiping data and re-purposing devices. Our service recycles all electronic devices responsibly.

Business Continuity: Backup + Disaster Recovery

With Managed Backup and Disaster Recovery services, Applied Innovation experts create and store cloud-based backups of your critical business data, including email, legal documents, financial information, and customer records.

In the event of a cyberattack, climate disaster, fire, or even a network outage, Applied can restore your data, so your business doesn’t miss a beat. Customized plans are tailored to meet your business objectives and can help ensure business continuity with little or no interruption during a disaster or outage.

  • Hourly Backups Performed Automatically
  • Same Day Virtualization
  • Automatic Offsite Transfer
  • Backup Verification and Reporting
  • 24/7 Monitoring for Backup Failure

Technology Partners

Across all our services, Applied Innovation partners with best-in-class technology leaders to provide pragmatic, top-quality, reliable solutions for your business challenges.

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Choose Hardware + Infrastructure Services from Applied Innovation

Applied Innovation technology experts take a practical approach to supporting your IT infrastructure because they understand it exists to support your business, not the other way around. Whether it’s installing new technologies or upgrading existing ones, hosting on premises or in the cloud, regularly backing up data or restoring it in the event of a cyberattack or disaster, procuring new end-user devices or recycling them at end-of-life, our friendly experts ensure your IT infrastructure stays up and running with pragmatic solutions and plain speaking.

Technology and People to Move Your Business Forward

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Endpoints Supported
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Service Tickets Closed Remotely
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TB Data Backed Up in the Cloud

"The bottom-line benefit with Applied Innovation is priceless. Their people walked us through a step-by-step process to the point we're more streamlined and more technologically advanced and don't have to worry about IT"

Barton Chiropractic

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Frequently Asked Questions

Every infrastructure and network is built to meet specific business goals. Our process is typically separated into four phases and we consult with you at every point in order to design and implement the best solution for your specific needs.

We provide solutions for new desktops and servers from Lenovo and HPE, Firewall options from Meraki, and more.

The main difference between cloud and on premises backups is where it resides. When your backup is on premises this means it’s installed locally, on computers and servers. Cloud backup is hosted on a server and accessed through a web browser.

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