When it comes to managed print services, it is essential to partner with a provider that is going to help you make a proper assessment. It is all too common for an assessment to miss important steps. Often providers seem to rush through this stage to get a proposal on the table. Here are some of the most common pitfalls to avoid…
- Poor Data. This includes the collection of the device information and the layout of where the printers and other devices are within an office. An assessment cannot be done correctly without both. It is often the case that an organization is so interested in getting this done that they don’t fully complete the assessment. If you are not willing to invest the time to get this right, print management may harm your organization more than it can help.
- Overlooking the Biggest Cost in the Office: Payroll. You don’t always have to remove every device and consolidate to all multi-functional products to impact the office. Make sure to take your business processes into account before you make any changes.
- Only Looking at One Area. This may be the most common mistake. Organizations constantly make changes to office technology without looking at the overall impact. You may own it, but that doesn’t mean you need to keep it. Look at the total cost of operation through the organization. And yes, that even includes the printer on the CEO’s desk.