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virtual learning teacher

Sheila Keller, Marketing Strategist

Virtual Learning Checklist for Educators

Facilitating virtual learning can seem like an overwhelming task if you don’t have the proper technology and scheduling in place for the delivery of your lessons. With a little alignment of your existing technology, as well as investment in some new, you can set up your home or classroom for an efficient and positive learning experience for your students.

It’s best to be proactive if your district is considering moving to a hybrid or virtual platform and ensure you already have these steps in place.

Virtual Learning Checklist for Educators


Train on your Virtual Learning Platform

Take the necessary time to learn the platform you will be working with so that it’s easy your students to acclimate. Test the process from several devices to understand the student experience. If possible, train with multiple devices to have a backup plan in place if you have issues with your primary device. 

Light, Video and Sound

Test your video and sound to make sure you are seen and heard. Lighting can have a dramatic effect on performance of the video as well optimizing the position of the microphone.

Interactive Whiteboard

Utilizing technologies such as an Interactive Whiteboard can be used to create more engaging lessons.

Schedule and Virtual Office Hours

Creating and communicating schedules to students and parents alike help offer necessary structure to virtual learning environment. Normal student engagement that happens naturally in the classroom will require more deliberate effort on everyone’s part.


Lesson planning needs to include flexibility to support in person, hybrid, and fully virtual learning as any time. Doing this grants the opportunity for you as the teacher to meet every scenario without starting over from scratch if the requirements change.

Peer to Peer learning

Peer engagement in the classroom is another area that requires facilitation Leveraging technology that is readily available allows students to get together to work on projects – whether it be inside the platform or available to the general public

Filling in the Technology Gaps

Access to technology could exist for students and their families. Work with your internal IT to understand the support mechanisms and resources that are in place for remote students. Be prepared to go the extra mile when it comes to technology challenges to make sure your students have the access they need and can work through these challenges. 

Click Here to Download a FREE Educators Virtual Learning Checklist.