Consider the daily impact your employees have on all aspects of your business – productivity, accountability, customer satisfaction and business development. Using all the right tools including enterprise content management (ECM) software to recruit, hire, train and retain the right employees is really as much of an investment in your company’s future as is any piece of technology you purchase. By eliminating the manual and tedious paper-based human resources (HR) processes with an OnBase® ECM solution, your organization can centralize control of all employee-related content (e.g., resumes, references, tax documents, 401K) and related activities (e.g., reviews, training certification, promotions).
OnBase solutions manage your documents and data and automate processes starting from the time a manager requests the creation of a new/replacement position to the final disposal of an employee’s records. OnBase protects the security and integrity of confidential data while drastically reducing costs of administering and auditing paper-based files!
Sheila Keller, Marketing Strategist
HR process improvement reduces costs, cycle times and risk
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