Sharing documents and collaborating can be a frustrating project. This process can consist of back and forth emails, editing multiple versions of projects, while trying to keep track of it all. In the end there’s headaches and the feeling of time wasted. Though the saying “Sharing is Caring” is uplifting, the frustration of documents getting lost in the shuffle is real. In addition, this can leave the security of information compromised and vulnerable when sharing via email or other methods like Dropbox, Box, etc.
If your organization hasn’t considered creating a Sharing and Collaboration Strategy, it may be time to think about a file sharing platform built specifically for businesses.
5 Benefits of an Enterprise Class File Sharing Platform for your Company
1. Less Headache for Your IT
Your IT Department (or third party IT) has a pretty robust and important job. This involves keeping your company secure and ensuring the proper tools & systems are in place so your network and employees stay connected. Anything you can do to reduce their workload with manual tasks is in their favor. Rather than manually inputting access or having to account for employees that leave, an Enterprise class file sharing software allows your IT department to utilize your company’s Active Director Federation Services or SAML to provide access to your entire organization.
2. Visibility of Your Information
Your employees are sharing content by different methods. This could be by methods of free-sharing platforms like DropBox, email, or an enterprise wide sharing system your company has deployed. When an enterprise file sync & share tool is not used, you lose the visibility of how the content is shared and who it is being shared to. Your sensitive company data could be escaping through your fingers without any knowledge.
3. Security of Your Content
The security of your content is just as important as the visibility. Enterprise sharing platforms provide an extra level of security, especially when documents are being shared outside of your organization. These solutions also provide an expiration date for shared content so things can no longer be viewed after a certain amount of time. Enterprise specific platforms are designed with the business in mind.
4. Convenient Access Anytime, Anywhere
Since we live in a mobile environment, remote working is more common than ever before. If your organization is like ours, we have team members in the field, working remotely, traveling regularly and on site. Because of this, you’ll want a solution that adapts to every job type and can function with or without an internet connection.
5. Compliment Your Existing Systems
As with any investment, you’ll want to ensure a sharing solution seamlessly integrates with your existing systems in place. The key is complimentary software. Think about your existing content management systems and how it would be helpful to automate the file sharing process. Essentially, you could automatically share your content externally if your process requires it. This is done by selecting it out of your existing file database.
Choosing the best file sharing and collaboration solution for your organization doesn’t have to be difficult, but it should be a priority. We used these 5 tips when choosing our platforms. Keep them in mind when comparing sync and share programs and deciding on the best fit for your business.