How much money would you save if you could increase early pay discounts from vendors? How do you prove to auditors that expenses were approved by the appropriate people? Which of your Accounts Payable (AP) clerks is best at handling exception invoices? What is the status and where is the invoice you put in inter-office mail for approval last week? For organizations using enterprise content management (ECM) software to capture, manage, store, preserve and deliver invoices and other unstructured content in their AP departments, these questions are much easier to answer.
Using ECM tools such as document imaging and management, workflow and application integration, organization can achieve the following goals:
1. Slash Shipping, Filing and Storage Costs.
2. Speed Invoice Approval and Posting.
3. Process a higher volume of work with the same number of employees. Or fewer.
4. Provide Premium Service to Internal and External Customers at a Lower Cost.
5. Support Compliance and Accountability.
For more information about our document management programs and how they can help you, click here.
Sheila Keller, Marketing Strategist
The top five reasons your AP department needs enterprise content management
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