With COVID-19 on the mind of every business, guest entry becomes few and far between. However, essential business must still go on. While you continue to work, so does your Multifunctional printer (MFP.)
If your multi-functional device is unable to print or scan, Applied Innovation can provide remote assistance to fix these challenges. Remote Assistance is the safest and most efficient way to get support while in quarantine. An Applied Innovation technician will contact you over the phone, provide our remote support link, and guide you through the process of allowing a technician remote access. Once our technicians have been granted remote access, we will begin diagnosing your challenge and explain what we are doing to fix the issue. Once we have completed our diagnosis and applied the proper fix, we will work with you to test printing or scanning to ensure everything is in working order. If we have to send a technician on-site, they will be dispatched.
Benefits of allowing remote assistance:
Quicker Response Time
Since you won’t have to wait for a technician to get there, they can generally fix your MFP faster.
Improved Experience
Generally, if it’s an error code, scan to email or print functionality, a technician can usually complete the fix within 30 minutes or less. These types of issues are generally resolved on the first try (First Call Effectiveness).
Less Downtime
It can be business as usual with the rapid speed of Remote Assistance. Your workflow won’t suffer.
Remote Assistance is not only great for fixing printing and scanning challenges, but is also utilized when Applied Innovation’s delivery team drops off your new device. Our trained technicians can quickly install print drivers, configure scan to e-mail, and scan to folder functions without physically touching your computer. The implementation process is faster and Remote Access eliminates the need to have someone on site.